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We've compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions to help you find the answers you need quickly and easily.


Still have questions? Fill out our contact form and we will get back to you. 

group of 8 girls laying on their backs with their toes on one block and their shoulders on another block, using their ab muscles to hold themselves up in a conditioning exercise called the "BBQ"


Have questions about our classes or facility?

We're here to help! 


  • How do you accept payments?
    Cheque made to Elites Gymnastics or eTransfer - Send to *This includes Registration, Fundraising or Competition Fees.
  • What are the CanGym badges?
    Elites Gymnastics follows the CanGym program. Recreational gymnasts will work through each level and receive CanGym progress reports. Gymnasts will receive a badge once a level is completed successfully. The CanGym program includes 12 levels: Burgundy, Red, Tan, Bronze, Purple, Blue, Turquoise, Silver, Orange, Yellow, Green, and Gold.
  • How do I join the competitive program and what is required once I join?
    Our Pre-Competitive and Competitive teams are invitation-only. When enrolling in a recreational class, you may request the Head Coach to assess your child. The coach will observe the gymnast during the class before making a decision. Tryouts are held each spring, providing gymnasts the opportunity to sign up, visit the gym, and be evaluated for our competitive program. Competitive gymnasts are required to participate in at least 3 competitions each year, in addition to our own competition and provincials (for a total of 5). They must also purchase a competition bodysuit and track jacket. Pre-Competitive gymnasts are not required to purchase these suits but have the option to do so.
  • How are kids grouped and how do I know which level my child is in?
    The first couple of weeks of class, kids are grouped by age or known level. They will be then assessed and possibly moved to different group to match their skill level. Requests to be with friends can be noted but may not be accommodated.
  • What is MGA?
    MGA stands for Manitoba Gymnastics Association and they provide support and insurance for the their members including gymnasts, coaches and board affiliations. An MGA fee is required with your registration. It is good from September 1 - August 31. MGA reserves the right to raise their fee yearly. Fee + GST.
  • Are there make up classes for snow days or other cancelled classes?
    The President, Vice President, and Head Coach are authorized to cancel classes in the event of severe inclement weather. Classes canceled for this reason will not be rescheduled. Inclement weather closures may or may not coincide with those of the Sunrise School Division. Notification will be distributed via Uplifter by 2:30 PM on the day of closure and will also be posted on our Facebook page. For weekend classes, notifications will be sent at least two hours before the first scheduled class.
  • Can I get a refund for pulling my child out of class?
    A 15% non-refundable fee will be charged for any withdrawn program to cover costs incurred through Uplifter and payment processing programs. This 15% is based on the price of the registration fee the gymnast is registered in. The MGA fee becomes non-refundable once the program has commenced. After the first week of the program, refunds will not be issued without a doctor’s note.
  • How do I join the Board or Class Reps?
    Board Positions are available each year. Board Members are not required to fulfill their fundraising bond but they are strongly encouraged. Being a board member is a voluntary position and will fulfill your volunteer bond. If you are interested in joining the board, please email us at
  • Do you have a lost and found?
    Yes! We have a basket in our lobby where all misplaced items are put. Be sure to check that basket if your child has lost an item. NOTE: The lost and found is emptied / items are donated semi-annually.


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